Discussion 3: Sexual Harassment & Comedy

Posted: July 14, 2010 in Blog Posts, Discussion

When most of us think about sexual harassment, we think of a skit or corny educational video that we have seen in the past. Although the need for comic relief within our workplace is essential, how far should media sources go when regarding this serious issue? Do you think that skits and out dated training programs poke fun of sexual harassment?

  1. mraposas says:

    You could make an argument that the skits or corny videos are so funny that they keep people’s attention. I don’t think that is most SH filmmakers intention, but I can vividly remember the last SH video I saw because of how cheesy it was. In a matter of fact it was a SH cartoon provided from our Employer’s Practice Liability Insurance company. Although I agree with your point that they are cheesy, I actually think they get the job done. My only recommendation for SH filmmakers would be to go out and hire better actors so it doesn’t feel too fake; maybe they can start by calling the cast of Saved by The Bell.

  2. Alena says:

    I would not say that they poke fun of it but I would not use one of those video if I was a manager. I would take this subject seriously because it is very serious and occur frequently in work places. At one point humor can maybe present it in a easier way but some people might misunderstand it also.

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